horse racing games

Xpress Bet

XpressBet is another highly respected online betting site and in the XpressBet video, I'll show you the mechanics of this site and the special features they have that I like the most. Although it is my 3rd favorite of the bunch, there are many unique features about XpressBet that I will share with you that you might want to incorporate into your online betting.

Bet America

I’m going to explain exactly how my powerful system works in just a moment, first I want to introduce myself and my unique story.

My name is Robert Shelvey and I used to work for one of the biggest investment banks in the world. I’m now a very successful professional gambler.

Main Ebook OSOP System

Completely updated, the "OSOP Ebook", is where I take you through the entire Oldest System on the Planet, showing you my exact method for picking the best horses. I will literally take you through the process starting with what to look for in each race and how to spot Oldest System horses that are primed and ready for the win. This is the "heart" of this system, with a plethora of examples. In addition, it has links directly to the appropriate video below that further shows you each step by video example.

VIDEO #1 OSOP Examples

In the first video, I essentially give you a video summary of my ebook above. "OSOP Examples", I take you step-by-step the entire Oldest System on the Planet, showing you my exact method for picking the best horses. I will literally take you through the process starting with what to look for in each race and how to spot Oldest System horses that are primed and ready for the win. This is truly the "meat and potatoes" of this system that you don't want to miss!

Twin Spires Live

In my effort to bring you a high quality selection system like the Oldest System on the Planet, I wanted to set this system apart from the other systems out there. What better way to do that than to spotlight not only the selection method I use, but that same method in action. In the TwinSpires live video you will see me select OSOP horses, bet these horses, watch the race and see me collect the winnings, proving that

horse racing

One of the first mentions of numerology is seen on a 5,000 year old Babylonian tablet signed by a man called Hormabi. On the tablet, he said, "The Gods have planned our courses by the amounts concealed in our names. Thus we have to identify our horses and children wisely."Hormabi wasn't a philosopher, or a bookmaker, but a slave dealer. On an additional tablet he advises a horse racing customer, "By the quantities applied by the Gods, it is known that it slave could reside 5 years more. To delay his life, decide on for him a new title and whisper it into his ear. Additionally consider treatment he is well-fed and his systems horse racing beatings are not severe."Most 2,000 years horse racing games later the Egyptians were employing numerology to predict and bet on horse, dog and camel races. Soon the Greeks, who had been masters of up to date mathematics, such as Algebra, and Geometry, had up numerology and developed it to a high state. No one, however, actually arrived near the accomplishments of a little-known scientist named Jeremy Masters who lived in London in the mid-nineteenth century. At the starting of a week-long party in July of 1862, that incorporated every day horse races, Masters set up a panel just outside of the monitor. On this panel he wrote the leaders of the mounts that he predicted may win based on a new, technique proceedure of numerology that he had labored out.

horse racing games

His accomplishments aren't mentioned in any newspapers, but are explained in various private journals. According to Lord John Trudeau, horse racing systems of Wiltshire, who attended the 1 week of horse rushing events, "For three days he horse racing betting stood with his panel, neither outlining his system nor providing to sell it. Every day his predictions turned out to be 100% accurate. On the fourth day, he did not exist at his regular submit and we realized later on he had been murdered the evening just before."The transgression was never solved but horse racing a bookmaker who was getting bets at the monitor which 7 days, entered a quick but cryptic note in his diary on the evening of the murder, "I have finished it!"Jeremy Grasp's papers have been never located, and simply as well. If his potential to forecast with 100% precision was horse racing games at any time duplicated, sports making a bet would shut down forever. Absolutely everyone would comprehend the horse racing tracks 1 outcomes of the contest or game ahead of it also going and no bookmaker would ever before bet against a confident thing.